layout: page title: Developer Guide



This document specified architecture, software design decisions and features for the application, ProductiveNUS. It will provide you with the essential information on its development process.


The intended audience of this document are developers, designers, and software testers.

About ProductiveNUS

ProductiveNUS is a desktop application targeted at Computing students of National University of Singapore (NUS) to help them manage and schedule their academic tasks efficiently.

Setting up, getting started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.



Figure 1: Architecture Diagram

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App. Given below is a quick overview of each component.

:bulb: Tip: The .puml files used to create diagrams in this document can be found in the diagrams folder. Refer to the PlantUML Tutorial at se-edu/guides to learn how to create and edit diagrams.

Main has two classes called Main and MainApp. It is responsible for,

  • At app launch: Initializes the components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.
  • At shut down: Shuts down the components and invokes cleanup methods where necessary.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

The rest of the App consists of four components.

  • UI: The UI of the App.
  • Logic: The command executor.
  • Model: Holds the data of the App in memory.
  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

Each of the four components,

  • defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.
  • exposes its functionality using a concrete {Component Name}Manager class (which implements the corresponding API interface mentioned in the previous point.

For example, the Logic component (see the class diagram given below) defines its API in the interface and exposes its functionality using the class which implements the Logic interface.

Class Diagram of the Logic Component
Figure 2: Class Diagram for Logic Component

The sections below give more details of each component.

UI component

Structure of the UI Component
Figure 3: Class Diagram for UI Component

Structure of the UI Component 2
Figure 4: More information on Class Diagram for UI Component


The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, AssignmentListPanel etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class.

The UI component uses JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • Executes user commands using the Logic component.
  • Listens for changes to Model data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.

Logic component

Structure of the Logic Component
Figure 5: Class Diagram for Logic Component


  1. Logic uses the AddressBookParser class to parse the user command.
  2. This results in a Command object which is executed by the LogicManager.
  3. The command execution can affect the Model (e.g. adding an assignment).
  4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is passed back to the UI.
  5. In addition, the CommandResult object can also instruct the UI to perform certain actions, such as displaying help to the user.

Model component

Structure of the Model Component
Figure 6: Class Diagram for Model Component


The Model,

  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences.
  • stores the data in ProductiveNUS.
  • stores a Model object that represents the current Model before the most recent command.
  • exposes an unmodifiable ObservableList<Assignment> and an unmodifiable ObservableList<Task> that can be ‘observed’ e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.

Task, Lesson and Assignment

Lesson and Assignment are two important classes in ProductiveNus; Lesson stores information about the lessons imported from NUSMods while Assignment stores information about the assignments added by the user.

Since Lesson and Assignment have several attributes in common, namely Name, Time and ModuleCode, an abstract parent class, Task, containing these shared attributes was created.

!Relationship between Task, Assignment and Lesson
Figure 7: Class Diagram for Task

Storage component

Structure of the Storage Component
Figure 8: Class Diagram for Storage Component


The Storage component,

  • can save UserPref objects in json format and read it back.
  • can save assignment and lesson data in json format and read it back.

Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.addressbook.commons package.


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

Schedule assignments feature

The user can get a suggested schedule to work on an assignment by providing the following fields:

  • Index of the assignment in the displayed assignment list
  • Expected hours to complete the assignment
  • Date and time after which the user want to start working on the assignment
  • Date and time before which the user want to finish the assignment

A suggested time slot will be provided to the users. The suggested schedule will have the following conditions:

  • Expected hours for an assignment ranges from 1 to 5 hours.
  • Suggested time slot will be within working hours from 6am to 12pm local time.
  • Suggested time slot will not clash with any of the suggested time for other assignments and lessons.

It implements the following operation:

  • schedule 1 hrs/5 af/01-01-2020 0000 by/23-12-2020 2359 - Suggests a schedule for the 1st assignment in the displayed assignment, given that the user expects to spend 5 hours to work on the assignment and wishes to complete it sometime between 01-01-2020 0000 and 23-12-2020 2359.

Reasons for Implementation

Users may find it difficult to manually come up with a working schedule in order to finish their assignments. We understand this inconvenience and decided to implement the schedule feature, that will suggest a time slot where the users can do their assignment within a preferred period and at a specific time which they are free from all lessons and other assignment.

Current Implementation

ScheduleCommand Class

ScheduleCommand class extends abstract class Command and are responsible for scheduling assignments, based on the user’s input index, expectedHours, afterTime and beforeTime. The class contains static String attributes of messages to be displayed to the user, an Index attribute - targetIndex, an int attribute - expectedHours, and Time attributes - doAfter and doBefore. The constructor of ScheduleCommand takes in an Index argument that is initialized to targetIndex, an int argument that is initialized to expectedHours, and two Time arguments that are initialized to doAfter and doBefore respectively.

ScheduleCommand class overrides the method execute to return a CommandResult object, which represents the result of the ScheduleCommand execution. In the execute method, targetIndex is used to obtain its corresponding assignment.

The description below describes how an assignment obtained is validated and updated.

Verifying that the assignment is valid If the assignment is overdue, a CommandException will be thrown. Otherwise, the assignment is valid to be scheduled.

Generating a possible schedule createValidSchedule function takes in the assignment to schedule and the list of all tasks. It then iterate through all possible starting time within the period given (rounded to hour), check if the time slot is valid. A valid time slot will need to pass isWorkingHour and haveNoOverlap check to make sure it is at working hour and it doesn’t clashes with any of the tasks. If no possible time slot is found, a CommandException will be thrown. Otherwise, a time slot will be chosen from the list of all valid time slot.

Creating an assignment Next, the assignment to schedule will be used to create an assignment with the updated schedule, assignmentToSchedule. The assignment is created using a private method called createRemindedAssignment.

Updating the model setAssignment method of model will be called to replace the assignment with the created assignment, updateFilteredAssignmentList method of model will also be called to update the list shown to the user.

ScheduleCommandParser Class

The ScheduleCommandParser class implements Parser<ScheduleCommand>, which is responsible for parsing the user’s input arguments. The user’s arguments will be parsed using the parse method to create a new ScheduleCommand object for ScheduleCommandParser class. It calls parseIndex, parseExpectedHour and parseTime method from ParserUtil class. A ParseException is caught if the parsing is unsuccessful.

Usage Scenario

The following is a usage scenario when a user wants to schedule the third assignment in his/her displayed assignment list. The expected hours to complete is 5 and the schedule need to be between 01-01-2020 0000 and 23-12-2020 2359.

  1. execute ("schedule 3 hrs/5 af/01-01-2020 0000 by/23-12-2020 2359") of LogicManager calls the parseCommand method of ProductiveNusParser.
  2. parseCommand("schedule 3 hrs/5 af/01-01-2020 0000 by/23-12-2020 2359") parses the String "schedule 3 hrs/5 af/01-01-2020 0000 by/23-12-2020 2359" and returns an initialized ScheduleCommandParser object.
  3. parseCommand("schedule 3 hrs/5 af/01-01-2020 0000 by/23-12-2020 2359") calls the parse method in ScheduleCommandParser which parses the user input into targetIndex, expectedHours, doAfter and doBefore. This is done by calling the methods parseIndex, parseTime and parseExpectedHours of ParserUtil.
  4. If the inputs are valid, a ScheduleCommand object will be returned, which takes in 1 for targetIndex, 2 for expectedHours, 01-01-2020 0000 for doAfter and 12-12-2020 0000 for doBefore
  5. There is a return call to LogicManager which then calls the overridden execute method of ScheduleCommand.
  6. The assignment in the displayed assignment list corresponding to targetIndex, assignmentToSchedule will be retrieved by calling the get method.
  7. The List<Task> containing all tasks, taskList will be retrieved by calling getFilterTaskList, then the assignment will be removed from the task list because it is not needed.
  8. A new schedule will be created by calling createValidSchedule that takes in the assignmentToSchedule and taskList.
  9. A new assignment scheduledAssignment will be created by calling createScheduledAssignment with assignmentToSchedule and schedule.
  10. setAssignment method of model will be called to replace assignmentToSchedule with scheduledAssignment.
  11. The execute method returns a CommandResult object with scheduledAssignment.

Given below is the sequence diagram for the interactions within LogicManager for the execute ("schedule 3 hrs/5 af/01-01-2020 0000 by/23-12-2020 2359") API call.

Sequence Diagram for ScheduleCommand
Figure 9: Sequence Diagram for ScheduleCommand

Import timetable feature

The user can import information about their lessons into ProductiveNUS using their NUSMods timetable URL. Added lessons can be found in the Upcoming Tasks section of ProductiveNUS.

It implements the following operations:

  • import url/ - Adds an NUSMods semester 1 timetable consisting of CS2100 tutorial 01 lessons and EC1301 tutorial S28 lessons.

Reasons for implementation:

Users may find it inconvenient to constantly refer to their NUSMods timetable whenever they want to check if they are available on a specific date and time. By giving users the option to add their lesson information into ProductiveNUS, it will help increase the user’s convenience as all their academic related schedule can be found in one place.

As a student user, the following scenario is likely:

  • The user wants to import their timetable so that they can better schedule their assignments with their lesson timings taken into account.

ProductiveNUS can also better schedule the user’s work with their timetable information available, avoiding any clashes in schedule.

Current implementation:

  • The import command is a typical command used in ProductiveNUS. It extends Command and overrides the method execute in CommandResult. ImportCommandParser implements Parser<ImportCommand> and it parses the user’s input to return an ImportCommand object. The constructor of ImportCommand takes in the prefix url/ and the user’s NUSMods timetable url.

  • A call to TimetableRetriever will be made. TimetableRetriever takes the user’s timetable data which was parsed by ImportCommandParser and makes a HTTP GET request to NUSMods API. NUSMods sends TimetableRetriever the relevant JSON data. The data is parsed and returns as a list of Lessons.

Usage Scenario

The following is the usage scenario of when a user imports an NUSMods timetable.

  1. The execute method of LogicManager is called when a user keys in an input into the application and execute takes in the input.
  2. The parseCommand method of ProductiveNusParser parses the user input and returns an initialized ImportCommandParser object and further calls the parse method of this object to identify the URL in the user input.
  3. It calls the TimetableUrlParser with the URL and it returns a TimetableData object.
  4. ImportCommandParser returns an ImportCommand object.
  5. There is return call to LogicManager which then calls the overridden execute method of ImportCommand.
  6. The execute method of ImportCommand will call the retrieveLessons method from TimetableRetriever, which returns a list of lessons to be added.
  7. The execute method returns a CommandResult object.

The following sequence diagram shows the sequence when LogicManager executes import command. Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `import url/URL` Command
Figure 10: Sequence Diagram for ImportCommand

Find by specific fields feature

The user can find assignments by providing keywords of the following fields:

  • Name of assignment
  • Module code of assignment
  • Due date or time of assignment
  • Priority of assignment

The user can find assignments with single or multiple keywords of the same type of field.

It implements the following operations:

  • find n/Lab - Finds assignments with names that has “Lab”.
  • find mod/CS2100 CS2103T - Finds assignments from the modules CS2100 and CS2103T.
  • find d/1200 24-10-2020 - Finds assignments with due time 1200 (regardless of date), and with due date 24-10-2020 (regardless of time).
  • find p/HIGH - Finds assignments of high priority.

Reasons for Implementation

If the user can search by only one field, it would restrict the user’s process of viewing assignments. As a student user, the following scenarios are likely:

  • The user wants to search for assignments with the highest priority, so that he knows what assignments to complete first.
  • The user wants to search for assignments due on a particular date or time, so that he can complete it and submit his assignment on time.
  • The user wants to view the details of one particular assignment with a specific name.
  • The user wants to complete all assignments under a certain module first, before moving on with his next task.

We thus concluded that finding by specific fields would be beneficial for users, and it would make it easier and more convenient for them to view assignments based on their needs.

Current Implementation

Prefixes used in identifying keywords

The use of prefixes before keywords allows for validation of keywords in the user’s input.

The following prefixes are used to identify the type of keywords:

  • /n for name keywords
  • /mod for module code keywords
  • /d for due date or time keywords
  • /p for priority keywords
Predicate classes

Class diagram for Predicate classes Figure 11: Class diagram for Predicate classes

The following Predicate classes implements Predicate<Assignment> and specific ones are passed into the constructor of FindCommand when the user inputs keywords of its assigned field:

  • NameContainsKeywordsPredicate for name keywords
  • ModuleCodeContainsKeywordsPredicate for module code keywords
  • DeadlineContainsKeywordsPredicate for date or time keywords
  • PriorityContainsKeywordsPredicate for priority keywords

The keywords are stored in a List<String> attribute keywords that is passed into the constructor of the predicate so that the test method can evaluate the keywords for the specific attribute of an assignment, being name, module code, deadline or priority, to return a boolean value.

FindCommandParser Class

The FindCommandParser class implements Parser<FindCommand> and it is responsible for parsing input arguments with the parse method to create a new FindCommand object. It contains private methods which checks for the presence of multiple prefixes and invalid keywords, which will throw a ParseException if detected.

Its parse method takes in a string of user input. If there are no multiple prefixes found and user input is not empty, it would then check for the type of prefix present as well as whether there is a preamble before the prefix and after the find input command. This ensures that there are no invalid command formats used by the user. An example of a preamble in the user input would be find hi n/Lab 3, whereby “hi” makes it an invalid command format.

If no invalid command format is detected, each keyword in the List<String> of keywords are parsed in a for loop. For name, module code and priority keywords, parsing is done via its parse method in ParserUtil to ensure that each keyword is valid. These parse methods are parseName, parseModuleCode and parsePriority respectively and they throw ParseExceptions in the event of invalid input.

For date or time keywords, Regular Expressions are used to identify its format, with date format being identified with ^\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}$ and time format being identified with ^\\d{4}$. Once the format of keywords inputted by the user are identified, date keywords are parsed into LocalDate and time keywords are parsed into LocalTime. A ParseException will be thrown if a DateTimeException is caught in the event of failed parsing of date with DateTimeFormatter pattern dd_MM-uuuu or time with the DateTimeFormatter pattern HHmm.

Upon successful parsing, a FindCommand object is returned.

FindCommand Class

The FindCommand class extends abstract class Command and it is responsible for finding assignments based on the user’s input keywords. It contains static String attributes of error messages to be displayed in the event of invalid user input, and a Predicate<Assignment> attribute, predicate. The constructor of FindCommand takes in a Predicate<Assignment> depending on the prefix or keywords in the user’s input and its attribute predicate is initialized to this value.

It overrides the method execute to return a CommandResult object, which provides the result of command execution. In the execute method, it calls the updatedFilteredAssignmentList method of a Model object, model, it takes in, so that the filter of the filtered assignment list will be updated by the given predicate and a list of filtered assignments will be displayed to the user, along with an indication message on the number of assignments listed.

Usage Scenario

The following is a usage scenario of when a user wants to find assignments with the name ‘Lab’.

  1. The execute method of LogicManager is called when a user keys in an input into the application and execute takes in the input.
  2. The parseCommand method of ProductiveNusParser parses the user input and returns an initialized FindCommandParser object and further calls the parse method of this object to identify keywords and prefixes in the user input.
  3. If user input is valid, it returns a FindCommand object, which takes in NameContainsKeywordsPredicate with the list of keywords.
  4. There is return call to LogicManager which then calls the execute method of FindCommand.
  5. The execute method of FindCommand will call the updateFilteredAssignmentList method of the Model object.
  6. The execute method returns a CommandResult object.

Given below is the sequence diagram for the interactions within LogicManager for the execute(find n/Lab) API call. Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `find n/Lab` Command
Figure 12: Sequence Diagram for FindCommand

Remind assignments feature

The user can set reminders for a single assignment or multiple assignments at a time. Reminded assignments will be displayed in the Your reminders section in ProductiveNUS for easy referral.

It implements the following operations:

  • remind 3 - Sets reminders for the 3rd assignment in the displayed assignment list.
  • remind 1 4 - Sets reminders for the 1st and 4th assignment in the displayed assignment list.

Reasons for Implementation

It is likely that the user will want to receive reminders for assignments with deadlines that are far away, so that he will not forget to complete those assignments. It is also likely that the user will want to receive reminders for assignments that require more attention, so that he will know which assignments to focus on and plan his time accordingly.

Displaying reminded assignments in a list separate from the main assignment list allows for easy referral and is hence more convenient for the user.

Current Implementation

  • The remind command extends abstract class Command and overrides the method execute in CommandResult.
  • RemindCommandParser implements Parser<RemindCommand> and it parses the user’s input to return a RemindCommand object.
  • The constructor of RemindCommand takes in List<Index>, and each Index in List<Index> is parsed from the zero based index of the user’s input.

Usage Scenario

The following is a usage scenario of when the user wants to set reminders for the 2nd and 3rd assignment in their displayed assignment list.

Given below is the Sequence Diagram for interactions within the Logic component for the execute("remind 2 3") API call. Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `remind 2 3` Command
Figure 13: Sequence Diagram for RemindCommand

  1. execute("remind 2 3") of LogicManager calls the parseCommand method of ProductiveNusParser.
  2. parseCommand("remind 2 3") parses the String "remind 2 3" and returns an initialized RemindCommandParser object.
  3. parseCommand("remind 2 3") calls the parse method in RemindCommandParser and checks if indexes inputted are valid.
  4. If the indexes are valid, it returns a RemindCommand object, which takes in List<Index> containing Index 2 and 3.
  5. There is return call to LogicManager which then calls the overridden execute method of RemindCommand.
  6. The execute method of RemindCommand will call the checkForDuplicatedIndexes method of CommandLogic to check for duplicated indexes
  7. The checkForInvalidIndexes method of the CommandLogic is then called to check for any indexes not found in the displayed assignment list.
  8. The setAssignment method of Model is repeatedly called, once for each Index in List<Index>. In this case, the loop terminates after 2 times.
  9. A CommandResult object is returned from execute().

Prioritize assignments feature

The user can set priorities for a single assignment. Prioritized assignments will have a coloured tag in the assignment list section in ProductiveNUS.

It implements the following operations:

  • prioritize 1 p/LOW - Sets a low priority (green tag) for the 1st assignment in the displayed assignment list.
  • prioritize 2 p/MEDIUM - Sets a medium priority (orange tag) for the 2nd assignment in the displayed assignment list.
  • prioritize 3 p/HIGH - Sets a high priority (red tag) for the 3rd assignment in the displayed assignment list.

Reasons for Implementation

It is likely that the user will want to categorise their assignments into different priorities, each are of different importance. This way it is easier for the user to plan our their schedule, possibly allocating more time to assignments that are of greater priority.

Current Implementation

  • The prioritize command extends abstract class Command and overrides the method execute in CommandResult.
  • PrioritizeCommandParser implements Parser<PrioritizeCommand> and it parses the user’s input to return a PrioritizeCommand object.
  • The constructor of PrioritizeCommand takes in Index and Priority.

Usage Scenario

The following is a usage scenario of when the user wants to set a high priority for the 3rd assignment in their displayed assignment list.

  1. execute("prioritize 3 p/HIGH") of LogicManager calls the parseCommand method of ProductiveNusParser.
  2. parseCommand("prioritize 3 p/HIGH") parses the String "prioritize 3 p/HIGH" and returns an initialized PrioritizeCommandParser object.
  3. parseCommand("prioritize 3 p/HIGH") calls the parse method in PrioritizeCommandParser and checks if index and priority input are valid.
  4. If the index and priority are valid, it returns a PrioritizeCommand object, which takes in Index 3 and Priority HIGH.
  5. There is return call to LogicManager which then calls the overridden execute method of PrioritizeCommand.
  6. The execute method of PrioritizeCommand will call the setAssignment method of Model to update the assignment with the new priority.
  7. The updateFilteredAssignmentList method of the Model is then called to display all assignments in the assignment list.
  8. A CommandResult object is returned from execute().

Given below is the Sequence Diagram for interactions within the Logic component for the execute("prioritize 3 p/HIGH") API call. Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `prioritize 3 p/HIGH` Command
Figure 14: Sequence Diagram for PrioritizeCommand

List by days feature

The user can list all his assignments with list without a subsequent argument index, or list assignments with deadlines within 1 to 50 days from the current date and time, with the number of days being an argument index after list.

It implements the following operations:

  • list - Lists all assignments
  • list 2 - Lists all assignments with deadline within 2 days (48 hours) from the current date (and time). For example, if the current date and time is 22/10/2020 1200, assignments with deadlines from this date and time to 24/10/2020 1200 will be displayed.

Reasons for Implementation

  • As a student user, he will want to view assignments that are due within days from the current date, so that he will know which assignments to complete first in order to meet the deadlines.
  • It is different from the find command as users can list all assignments with deadlines within a time period (from the current date to a number of days later), whereas finding assignments by date or time will only display assignments due on the particular day or time.

Current Implementation

ListCommandParser Class

The ListCommandParser class implements Parser<ListCommand> and it is responsible for parsing input arguments with the parse method to create a new ListCommand object. Regular Expressions are used to identify the presence of an input argument in args, which takes into account all characters and even special characters. If no argument index is found in args, a ListCommand object with an empty constructor is returned, which will identify the command as list all assignments.

If input argument is found, it is then checked with Regular Expressions whether the argument is in the range 1 to 50 inclusive. If it is within range, the string args is parsed into an Index which is then passed in as the argument to the parameterized constructor of ListCommand object that is returned.

ListCommand Class

The ListCommand class extends abstract class Command and it is responsible for listing assignments based on the user’s input command. It contains static String attributes of error messages to be displayed in the event of invalid user input, and an Optional<Index> attribute, numberOfDays. There are overloaded constructors for ListCommand, one being empty and the other taking in an Index parameter. Within the empty constructor, the numberOfDays attribute will be initialized with an empty Optional instance and within the parameterized constructor, numberOfDays attribute will be initialized with the Optional of its parameter.

It overrides the method execute to return a CommandResult object, which provides the result of command execution. In the execute method, if numberOfDays is empty, a predicate PREDICATE_SHOW_ALL_ASSIGNMENT is passed into the updatedFilteredAssignmentList method of a Model object, model. If numberOfDays is not empty, showLimitedAssignments method with return type Predicate<Assignment> is passed into the updatedFilteredAssignmentList method. The showLimitedAssignments method uses lambda expressions to filter assignments with deadlines that fall within the number of days window inputted by the user.

Design Considerations

As the list command allows for users to enter an optional index, we decided that there should be overloaded constructors for this command, one being empty and the other populated with the parameter Index. We decided to use Optional<Index> as the type for numberOfDays attribute in ListCommand class because the user input might or might not have an input argument.

The following are design considerations we had and its comparisons:

Consideration 1: Use of a single constructor which takes in Index parameter and pass an Index with zero base value 0 into the constructor when all assignments are to be listed.

  • Pros: Straightforward way of coding and it has a simple implementation.

  • Cons: It is not an intuitive way for developers to understand the code in a single glance.

Consideration 2: Use of overloaded constructors and Optional<Index> for numberOfDays attribute in ListCommand class

  • Pros: Removes ambiguity and have clearer semantics.

  • Cons: Optional requires a different thinking. For example null has to get replaced with Optional.empty().

Usage scenario

The following is a usage scenario of when the user wants to list assignments that are due within the next 3 days from the current date and time.

  1. execute("list 3") of LogicManager calls the parseCommand method of ProductiveNusParser.
  2. parseCommand("list 3") parses the String "list 3" and returns an initialized ListCommandParser object.
  3. parseCommand("list 3") calls the parse method in ListCommandParser to return a ListCommand object.
  4. There is return call to LogicManager which then calls the execute method of ListCommand.
  5. The execute method of ListCommand will call the updateFilteredAssignmentList method of the Model object which takes in showLimitedAssignments method of return type Predicate<Assignment>.
  6. The execute() method returns a CommandResult object.

Given below is the sequence diagram for the interactions within LogicManager for the execute(list 3) API call. Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `list 3` Command
Figure 15: Sequence Diagram for ListCommand

Delete multiple assignments feature

The user can delete one or multiple assignments at a time.

It implements the following operations:

  • delete 1 - Deletes the 1st assignment in the displayed assignment list.
  • delete 1 2 3 - Deletes the 1st, 2nd and 3rd assignments in the displayed assignment list.

Reasons for Implementation

It will provide convenience to users who want to delete more than one assignment at a time, and it makes the process of removing completed assignments faster.

Current Implementation

DeleteCommand class

The DeleteCommand class extends abstract class Command and it is responsible for deleting assignments based on the user’s input indexes. It contains static String attributes of messages to be displayed to the user, and a List<Index> attribute, targetIndexes. The constructor of DeleteCommand takes in a List<Index> argument and targetIndexes is initialized to this value.

It overrides the method execute to return a CommandResult object, which provides the result of command execution. In the execute method, targetIndexes is sorted in descending order with INDEX_COMPARATOR in CommandLogic class and then it calls checkForDuplicationIndexes and checkForInvalidIndexes methods in CommandLogic. The zero base value of each Index in targetIndexes is stored in a List<Integer> and the number of distinct values and size of the list is found so that duplicated indexes can be determined by comparing the number of distinct values and number of elements in the list. Invalid indexes includes numbers that are not in the range from 1 to the number of assignments in the list. If no CommandException is thrown when duplicated or invalid indexes are found, the assignments are deleted by calling deleteAssignments method on model repeatedly until all indexes in the targetedIndexes are accounted for.

DeleteCommandParser Class

The DeleteCommandParser class implements Parser<DeleteCommand> and it is responsible for parsing input arguments with the parse method to create a new DeleteCommand object. It calls parseIndexes method from ParserUtil class to parse the string user input into multiple Index which is then stored in a List<Index>. A ParseException is caught if parsing is unsuccessful.

Design Considerations

To delete an assignment, it calls the deleteAssignment method of model.

When deleting multiple assignments, it calls this method repeatedly with a for loop as shown in the following sequence diagram under “Usage Scenario”.

Since the index of assignments in the list will update after each delete in the loop, we sorted the list from the largest index to the smallest, and implemented deleting of assignments from the largest index in the list to maintain order.

Usage Scenario

The following is a usage scenario of when the user wants to delete the first and second assignment in his displayed assignment list:

  1. The method execute("delete 1 2") of LogicManager calls the parseCommand method of ProductiveNusParser.
  2. parseCommand("delete 1 2") parses the String "delete 1 2" and returns an initialized DeleteCommandParser object.
  3. parseCommand("delete 1 2") calls the parse method in DeleteCommandParser which further parses the user input.
  4. If the indexes are valid, it returns a DeleteCommand object, which takes in parsedIndexes, of type List<Index>, containing Index 1 and 2.
  5. There is return call to LogicManager which then calls the execute method of DeleteCommand.
  6. The execute method of DeleteCommand will call the checkForDuplicatedIndexes method of CommandLogic to check for duplicated indexes.
  7. The execute() method then calls checkForInvalidIndexes method of the CommandLogic to check for any indexes not found in the displayed assignment list.
  8. The deleteAssignment method of Model is repeatedly called, once for each Index in List<Index>. In this case, the loop terminates after 2 times.
  9. The execute() method returns a CommandResult object.

Given below is the sequence diagram for the interactions within LogicManager for the execute(delete 1 2) API call. Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `delete 1 2` Command
Figure 16: Sequence Diagram for DeleteCommand

Unremind, Unprioritize and Undone

The user can use the unremind, unprioritize and undone commands to do the following:

  • unremind removes specified assignments from ‘Your reminders’. Assignments are specified using the index as shown in Your reminders.
  • unprioritize removes any priority tags for specified assignments. Assignments are specified using the index as shown in the displayed assignment list.
  • undone marks the specified done assignment as not done. Assignments are specified using the index as shwon in the displayed assignment list.

The following operations are implemented:

  • unremind 1 - Removes the first assignment found in Your reminders from Your reminders.
  • unprioritze 1 - Removes priority tags for the first assignment found in the displayed assignment list.
  • undone 1 - Marks the first assignment found in the displayed assignment list as not done.

Reasons for Implementation

It is possible for the user to mistakenly set reminders, set priority tags or mark an assignment as done.

It is also likely that the user’s schedule is constantly changing. For example, the user may set reminders for an assignment with a faraway deadline; however, as the deadline approaches, the user may not need to be reminded as the assignment is now more urgent. Hence, it is likely that the user may want to remove the assignment from Your reminders as he no longer needs to be reminded to finish the assignment.

Hence, the unremind, unprioritize and undone commands help users to easily manage their continuously changing schedule.

Current implementations

As all three commands have a similar format (command word followed by an index) and all start with the prefix “un”, all three commands extends the abstract NegateCommand class in order to enforce abstraction principles (Figure X).

The following is a Class diagram illustrating the relationship between the classes of the three commands and NegateCommand:

Class diagram for NegateCommand, Unremind, Unprioritize and Undone
Figure 17: Class diagram for NegateCommand, Unremind, Unpriortize and Undone

The NegateCommand class contains the final class-level member COMMAND_WORD with String “un”, and private attribute targetIndex of type Index.

The NegateCommand class also extends from the abstract Command class in order to inherit the execute() method found in Command. Hence, similarly for the other commands, unremind, unprioritize and undone will be able to inherit and override the execute() command.

Design considerations

By implementing the abstract NegateCommand class, any future implementation of commands with similar functionality as unremind, unprioritize and undone will simply extend from the NegateCommand class, thereby enforcing the Open-Closed Principle.


The user can undo all previous commands one at a time.

It implements the operation undo - Turn ProductiveNUS back to the state before entering the most recent command that is not undoCommand.

Reasons for Implementation

It is likely that the user might type in command mistakenly will want to go the previous state. Instead of using a combination of adding, deleting, editting, …, a single undo command will help solving the problem easily.

Current Implementation

In order to manage different states of Model, the current Model will store a Model attribute, previousModel, which is the state of the current Model before the most recent command. Every time a command try to execute, LogicManager will call preUpdateModel to update the state of the new Model.

UndoCommand class extends abstract class Command and are responsible for undoing the previous command. The class contains static String attributes of messages to be displayed to the user and a String attribute - userInput. The constructor of UndoCommand takes in an String argument that is initialized to userInput.

UndoCommand class overrides the method execute to return a CommandResult object, which represents the result of the UndoCommand execution. In the execute method, a check will be made to make sure userInput doesn’t contain any other argument. If there is no previous command, a CommandException will be thrown. Otherwise, getPreviousModel will be called to get the version of the Model before the most recent command and the current Model will be replaced with it.

Usage Scenario

A usage scenario would be when a user wants to undo the most recent command that changes the data of the assignments

  1. execute ("undo") of LogicManager calls the parseCommand method of ProductiveNusParser.
  2. a UndoCommand object will be returned, which takes in the userInput
  3. There is a return call to LogicManager which then calls the overridden execute method of UndoCommand.
  4. The state of the previous Model, previousModel will be retrieved by calling the getPreviousModel method.
  5. If there is no previous command, a CommandException will be thrown.
  6. Otherwise, goToPreviousModel will be called to replace the current Model with previousModel.
  7. The execute method returns a CommandResult object with successful message.

Given below is the sequence diagram for the interactions within LogicManager for the execute ("undo") API call.

Sequence Diagram for UndoCommand
Figure 18: Sequence Diagram for UndoCommand

Updating of Upcoming tasks in real time

The displayed task list under Upcoming tasks updates in real time when the deadline of an assignment or the end time of a lesson has passed.

Reasons for Implementation

It is likely that the user will refer to the Upcoming tasks to quickly view what is up next on their academic schedule. It is hence important that the Upcoming tasks accurately reflect what is next on their academic schedule.

Current Implementation

The updating of Upcoming tasks in real time is implemented with multithreading.

As the GUI of ProductiveNUS is implemented using JavaFX, Thread safety using synchronised thread actions cannot be achieved as JavaFx is modelled to execute on a single JavaFX-Launcher thread. Therefore, this feature makes use of javafx.concurrent.Task<V> for multithreading operations, which is designed to handle multithreading operations for JavaFX applications in a thread-safe manner.

A Timer object is used alongside javafx.concurrent.Task to periodically check UniqueTaskList in ProductiveNus every second. The Timer object has isDaemon set to true. If the deadline of the upcoming assignment or the end time of the upcoming lesson has passed, the updateTasks() method in ProductiveNus class is called. The Timer object can be found in the private method autoUpdateTaskList() method in ProductiveNus, which is called in the ProductiveNus constructor when the user runs ProductiveNus.

Usage Scenario

Below is an Activity Diagram illustrating the flow of activities when the application starts up.

Activity diagram for Auto updating of task list
Figure 19: Activity diagram for automated updating of UniqueTaskList

:information_source: Note: Due to limitations of PlantUML, arrows are not able to point towards the branch indicator (represented by a diamond) to represent loops.
  1. When the user opens ProductiveNUS, the main JavaFX thread starts running. At approximately the same time, the Timer in ProductiveNus starts running as well.
  2. All user interactions with the GUI are handled by the JavaFX thread.
    1. Whenever a user inputs a command, if the command does not exit ProductiveNUS, the JavaFX thread handles any modifications the command entered causes to the GUI.
    2. If the user inputs the exit command, the JavaFX thread stops running.
  3. Concurrently, the Timer thread periodically checks if the next task in Upcoming tasks has passed.
    1. If the user does not exit ProductiveNUS, the Timer thread checks if the next task has passed (deadline of assignment or end time of lesson is over). If the next task has passed, the task will be removed from Upcoming tasks. Else, nothing happens.
    2. If the user exits ProductiveNUS, the Timer thread stops running.
  4. ProductiveNUS closes.

Adding an assignment feature

The user can add an assignment by providing keywords of the following fields:

  • Name of assignment
  • Module code of assignment
  • Deadline of assignment (contains both due time and due date)
  • Priority level (Optional)
  • Remind (Optional)

Note: The remind keyword, if provided, has to be the last keyword entered.

It implements the following operations:

  • add n/Lab 3 mod/CS2100 d/24-10-2020 2359 - Adds an assignment with name Lab 3, module code CS2100, due time 2359, and with due date 24-10-2020.
  • add n/Lab 3 mod/CS2100 d/24-10-2020 2359 p/HIGH - Adds a high priority assignment with name Lab 3, module code CS2100, due time 2359 and with due date 24-10-2020.
  • add n/Lab 3 mod/CS2100 d/24-10-2020 2359 p/MEDIUM remind - Adds a medium priority assignment with name Lab 3, module code CS2100, due time 2359, due date 24-10-2020, and with reminders set.

Reasons for Implementation

Being able to add an assignment is essential for the user to manage his/her academic tasks. As a student user, the following scenarios are likely:

  • The user wants to add an assignment with a certain priority level attach to it, so he/she knows how urgent the assignment is.
  • The user wants to add an assignment and wants the assignment to appear directly in his/her Reminders list right away since it’s something important.
  • The user wants to add an assignment with a certain priority level and also wants the assignment to appear directly in his/her Reminders list right away.

We decided to allow the user to include the priority level and remind tag if he/she wants to do so. We understand that not all users will know the priority level of the assignment at the point he/she is adding the assignment and thus we made the priority level and remind keywords optional.

Current Implementation

Prefixes used in identifying keywords

The use of prefixes before keywords facilitates the extraction of keywords from the user’s input and allow keywords to be validated subsequently.

The following prefixes are used to identify the type of keywords:

  • /n for Name keyword
  • /mod for Module code keyword
  • /d for Deadline keyword
  • /p for Priority keyword
AddCommand Class

The AddCommand class extends abstract class Command and is responsible for adding assignments based on the user’s input keywords. It contains static String attributes of success and error messages to be displayed in the event of a valid and invalid user input. It also contains an Assignment attribute, toAdd. The constructor of AddCommand takes in an Assignment and toAdd is initialized to this value.

It overrides the method execute to return a CommandResult object, which represents the result of the AddCommand execution. In the execute method, it checks whether the toAdd assignment already exist in ProductiveNus and throws a CommandException if it does. If the ToAdd assignment is unique, it calls the addAssignment method of a Model object, model, it takes in, and adds the assignment toAdd.

AddCommandParser Class

The AddCommandParser class implements Parser<AddCommand> and it is responsible for parsing the user’s input arguments with the parse method to create a new AddCommand object. It contains a private method ArePrefixesPresent which checks for the presence of non-optional prefixes and keywords. If there are missing or invalid keywords, a ParseException will be thrown.

The parse method takes in a String of user input, args and contains a ArgumentMultimap object, argMultimap. Regular expressions are used to identify whether optional keywords like remind and /p are present. The remind keyword, which will be the last keyword if entered, is identified using .*\bremind\b$ while priority keyword is identified using .*\bp/.*. In the event that the remind keyword is present, remind will be removed from args before the parsing of the other keywords by argMultimap since remind has no prefixes. The tokenize method of ArgumentTokenizer will be called. The keywords are parsed and return as argMultimap. The keywords are subsequently extracted from argMultimap to create a new Assignment object, assignment, which is used to return a new AddCommand object.

In the event that the keywords have an invalid format, such as the Deadline keyword not being in the required dd-MM-yyyy HHmm form for example, a ParseException will be thrown.

Usage Scenario

The following is a usage scenario when a user wants to add an assignment with the name ‘Lab’, module ‘CS2103’, and deadline ‘10-10-2020 2359’.

  1. execute ("add n/Lab mod/CS2103 d/10-10-2020 2359") of LogicManager calls the parseCommand method of ProductiveNusParser.
  2. parseCommand("add n/Lab mod/CS2103 d/10-10-2020 2359") parses the String "add n/Lab mod/CS2103 d/10-10-2020 2359" and returns an initialized AddCommandParser object.
  3. parseCommand("add n/Lab mod/CS2103 d/10-10-2020 2359") calls the parse method in AddCommandParser which parses the user input into Name, Time and ModuleCode. This is done by calling the methods tokenize followed by getValue of ArgumentMultimap.
  4. If user input is valid, a Assignment object will be created, and it will be used to return a AddCommand object.
  5. There is a return call to LogicManager which then calls the overridden execute method of AddCommand.
  6. The execute method then calls hasAssignment of model to check if the toAdd assignment is a duplicate.
  7. If the assignment is not a duplicate, the execute method of AddCommand will call the addAssignment method of the Model object.
  8. The execute method returns a CommandResult object.

Given below is the sequence diagram for the interactions within LogicManager for the execute ("add n/Lab mod/CS2103 d/10-10-2020 2359") API call.

Sequence Diagram for AddCommand
Figure 20: Sequence Diagram for AddCommand

Marking assignments as done and Setting reminders for assignments features

Both features are implemented similarly, though the reasons for implementation differs.There are also differences in the implementation, which will be mentioned along the way.

Marking assignments as done and Setting reminders for assignments

The user can mark one or multiple assignments as done at a time. Similarly, the user can also set reminders for one or multiple assignments at a time. Reminded assignments will be displayed in the Your Reminders section in ProductiveNUS for easy referral.

It implements the following operations:

  • done 1 - Marks the 1st assignment in the displayed assignment list as done.
  • done 1 2 3 - Marks the 1st, 2nd and 3rd assignments in the displayed assignment list as done.
  • remind 2 - Set reminders for the 2nd assignment in the displayed assignment list and adds it to Your reminders.
  • remind 1 2 3 - Set reminders for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd assignments in the displayed assignment list amd adds them to Your reminders.

Reasons for Implementation

Marking assignments as done

User may find it convenient to mark assignments that he/she has completed as done. Without the done feature, it will be difficult for the user to keep track of uncompleted assignments. As a student user, the following scenarios are likely:

  • The user has completed an assignment and wants to indicate that the particular assignment in his/her assignment list has been completed.
  • The user has completed several assignments and wants to indicate that those assignments have been completed.

We realised that users would have to delete completed assignments from their assignment list in order to keep track of their uncompleted assignments. At the same, we understand that users might forget about the completed assignments after deleting them and thus we decided to implement the done feature so users can easily find out what are their uncompleted assignments without deleting the completed ones.

Setting reminders for assignments

Users may find it convenient to display certain assignments in another section, apart from their main assignment list, so they can refer to those assignments easily. As a student user, the following scenarios are likely:

  • The user wants to display an assignment in another section of the GUI for his/her easy referral.
  • The user wants to display multiple assignments in another section of the GUI for his/her easy referral.

We decided to create a Your reminders section in our GUI, allowing users to display only the assignments that have reminders set.

Current Implementation

DoneCommand Class and RemindCommand Class

The DoneCommand and RemindCommand class extends abstract class Command and are responsible for marking assignments as done or setting reminders to assignments respectively, based on the user’s input indexes. Both classes contain static String attributes of messages to be displayed to the user, and a List<Index> attribute, targetIndexes. Both constructors of DoneCommand and RemindCommand takes in a List<Index> argument and targetIndexes is initialized to this value.

Both DoneCommand and RemindCommand classes overrides the method execute to return a CommandResult object, which represents the result of the DoneCommand and RemindCommand execution respectively. In the execute method, targetIndexes is first passed into the checkForDuplicatedIndexes method followed by the checkForInvalidIndexes method, where both methods are in CommandLogic. If there are duplicated or invalid indexes found, a CommandException will be thrown. Next, each of the Index, targetIndex, in targetIndexes will be used to obtain its corresponding assignment in the FilteredAssignmentList of the Model object, model, by calling the get method.

The description below describes how each assignment obtained is validated and used to create a similar assignment before being added to another List<Assignment, which contains all the assignments with the updated details.

Verifying that the assignment is valid For RemindCommand, it will check whether the assignment obtained has already been reminded by calling the isReminded method of Assignment. For DoneCommand, it will check whether the assignment obtained has already been marked as done by calling the isMarkedDone method of Assignment. There will also be another check for both classes to ensure that the assignment obtained exist in the model by calling the hasAssignment method of model. If the assignment obtained is invalid, a CommandException will be thrown after all assignments have been checked.

Creating an assignment Next, the assignment obtained will be used to create an assignment with the updated details, assignmentMarkedDone or remindedAssignment, for DoneCommand and RemindCommand respectively. The assignment is created using a private method called createRemindedAssignment, in RemindCommand or createAssignmentMarkedDone, in DoneCommand.

Updating the model setAssignment method of model will be called to replace the assignment with the created assignment, assignmentMarkedDone or remindedAssignment, for DoneCommand and RemindCommand respectively updateFilteredAssignmentList method of model will also be called to update the list shown to the user.

The created assignment will be added to the List<Assignment, assignmentsToRemind or assignmentsToMarkDone, for RemindCommand and DoneCommand respectively.

The above process repeats until all assignments corresponding to all indexes in targetedIndexes are accounted for. A new CommandResult containing assignmentsToRemind or assignmentsToMarkDone list will be returned for RemindCommand and DoneCommand respectively.

DoneCommandParser Class and RemindCommandParser Class

The DoneCommandParser class and RemindCommandParser class implements Parser<DoneCommand> and Parser<RemindCommand> respectively, which is responsible for parsing the user’s input arguments. The user’s arguments will be parsed using the parse method to create a new DoneCommand and RemindCommand object for DoneCommandParser and RemindCommandParser class respectively. It calls parseIndexes method from ParserUtil class to parse the string user input into multiple Index which is then stored in a List<Index> named parsedIndexes. A ParseException is caught if the parsing is unsuccessful.

Usage Scenario

Marking assignments as done

The following is a usage scenario when a user wants to mark the first and third assignment in his/her displayed assignment list as done.

  1. execute ("done 1 3") of LogicManager calls the parseCommand method of ProductiveNusParser.
  2. parseCommand("done 1 3") parses the String "done 1 3" and returns an initialized DoneCommandParser object.
  3. parseCommand("done 1 3") calls the parse method in DoneCommandParser which parses the user input into List<Index>. This is done by calling the methods parseIndexes of ParserUtil.
  4. If the indexes are valid, a DoneCommand object will be returned, which takes in parsedIndexes of type List<Index> containing Index 1 and 3.
  5. There is a return call to LogicManager which then calls the overridden execute method of DoneCommand.
  6. The static method checkForDuplicatedIndexes of CommandLogic is called to check for duplicated indexes.
  7. The static method checkForInvalidIndexes of the CommandLogic is then called to check for any indexes not found in the displayed assignment list.
  8. For each Index in List<Index>, the assignment in the displayed assignment list corresponding to that index, assignmentToMarkDone will be retrieved by calling the get method.
  9. For each assignment, a new assignment assignmentMarkedDone will be created by calling createAssignmentMarkedDone with assignmentToMarkDone.
  10. setAssignment method of model will be called to replace assignmentToMarkDone with assignmentMarkedDone.
  11. Next, assignmentToMarkDone will be added to List<Assignment>, assignmentsToMarkDone.
  12. Since there are only 2 indexes, the loop from step 8 - 11 terminates after 2 times.
  13. The execute method returns a CommandResult object containing the assignmentsToMarkDone list.

Given below is the sequence diagram for the interactions within LogicManager for the execute ("done 1 3") API call.

Sequence Diagram for DoneCommand
Figure 21: Sequence Diagram for DoneCommand

Setting reminders to assignments

The usage scenario of a user setting reminders for the first and third assignment in his/her displayed assignment list is similar to the usage scenario above.

Here are the differences:

  • In step 2, parseCommand("remind 1 3") will return an initialized RemindCommandParser object instead of DoneCommandParser
  • In step 4, a RemindCommand object will be returned instead of a DoneCommand object
  • In step 5, the LogicManager will call the overridden execute method of RemindCommand
  • In step 8, Instead of AssignmentToMarkDone, the assignment corresponding to each Index in List<Index> will be named as AssignmentToRemind.
  • In step 9, A new assignment, remindedAssignment will be created by calling createRemindedAssignment instead of createAssignmentMarkedDone.
  • In step 11, instead of assignmentToMarkDone, remindedAssignment will be added to List<Assignment>, assignmentsToRemind.
  • In step 13, the CommandResult object returned by execute contains the assignmentsToRemind list.

Given below is the sequence diagram for the interactions within LogicManager for the execute ("remind 1 3") API call.

Sequence Diagram for RemindCommand
Figure 22: Sequence Diagram for RemindCommand

Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile:

  • NUS Computing Students with poor time management skills who have difficulties managing their weekly academic schedule
  • prefer desktop apps over other types
  • can type fast and prefer typing to mouse interactions
  • is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps

Value proposition:

  • More convenient than typical apps as lessons and assignments are managed in just one app so there is no need to switch between different ones.
  • Faster than typical mouse/GUI driven apps as most features are accomplished by typing simple commands.
  • Easier to manage schedule than typical scheduling apps as assignments are automatically scheduled.

User stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Priority As a … I want to … So that I can…
* * * student import my timetable better schedule my assignments with my lesson timings taken into account
* * * forgetful student view reminders for my lessons and assignments avoid forgetting to attend lessons or do my work
* * * poor time manager add and schedule assignments keep track of what needs to be done
* * * poor time manager delete assignments remove assignments that i have completed or added wrongly
* * * student view lessons and assignments together view all assignments i have to complete amidst my lessons
* * * particular student use a scheduler with a user-friendly interface use the application easily and enjoyably
* * * new user navigate the UI easily use the application efficiently
* * * slow/confused student i can access and view my academic duties easily quickly find out what i need to do for the week
* * beginner user view a summary of the features quickly learn about the features available
* * experienced user use shortcuts in my commands manage my academic schedule quicker

Use cases

(For all use cases below, the System is the Academic Schedule Manager and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)

Use case: UC01 - Add an assignment


  1. User requests to add an assignment.
  2. Academic Schedule Manager adds the assignment.
  3. Academic Schedule Manager shows a success message with details of the assignment added.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The user did not supply all required parameters.

    • 1a1. Academic Schedule Manager shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. The given DEADLINE_OF_ASSIGNMENT parameter is in the wrong format.

    • 1b1. Academic Schedule Manager shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Use case: UC02 - Delete an assignment


  1. User requests to list assignments and lessons (UC05).
  2. User requests to delete a specific assignment in the list.
  3. Academic Schedule Manager shows a success message with details of the assignment deleted.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The given index is invalid (index is referring to a lesson or index is out of range).

    • 2a1. Academic Schedule Manager shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: UC03 - Import timetable


  1. User retrieves NUSMods timetable URL from the NUSMods website.
  2. User requests to import NUSMods timetable using their NUSMods timetable URL.
  3. Academic Schedule Manager adds all the lessons according to the data retrieved.
  4. Academic Schedule Manager shows a success message with details of the lessons added.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The given URL is invalid (not a valid NUSMods timetable URL).

    • 2a1. Academic Schedule Manager shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

  • 2b. User already has a timetable imported before.

    • 2b1. Academic Schedule Manager informs user that previously imported lesson will be deleted.

      Use case resumes at step 3.

Use case: UC04 - Remind


  1. User requests to list assignments and lessons (UC05).
  2. User requests to set reminder for a specific assignment in the list.
  3. Academic Schedule Manager adds the assignment to the remind list.
  4. Academic Schedule Manager shows a success message with details of the assignment set as reminder.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The given index is invalid (index is referring to a lesson or index is out of range).

    • 2a1. Academic Schedule Manager shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: UC05 - List assignments and lessons


  1. User requests to list assignments and lessons.
  2. Academic Schedule Manager shows a list of all assignments and lessons.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User requests to list XX day(s) of assignments and lessons.

    • 1a1. Academic Schedule Manager shows a filtered list of assignments and lessons.

      Use case ends.

  • 2a. The list is empty.

      Use case ends.

Use case: UC06 - Prioritize assignment


  1. User requests to prioritize an assignment HIGH.
  2. ProductiveNUS sets a HIGH priority to the assignment.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. User requests to prioritize an assignment with an invalid Priority such as VERY HIGH.
    • 1a1. ProductiveNUS shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 lessons and assignments without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
  3. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
  4. The system should respond within two seconds.
  5. The system should save a user’s data after every user command.
  6. The system should be usable by a novice who has never used the app before.

{More to be added}


  • Mainstream OS: Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X
  • User: NUS Computing student

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

:information_source: Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

Launch and shutdown

  1. Initial launch

    1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder

    2. Double-click the jar file Expected: Shows the GUI with a set of sample contacts. The window size may not be optimum.

  2. Saving window preferences

    1. Resize the window to an optimum size. Move the window to a different location. Close the window.

    2. Re-launch the app by double-clicking the jar file.
      Expected: The most recent window size and location is retained.

Adding assignments

  1. Adding an assignment without priority and remind.
    1. Test case: add n/Lab 1 mod/CS2100 d/10-10-2020 2359
      Expected: An assignment with name “Lab 1”, module code “CS2100”, and deadline “10-10-2020 2359” is added to the assignment list. Details of the added assignment is shown in the Message Box.

    2. Test case: add n/Lab 1 mod/CS2100 d/1-5-2020 2359
      Expected: No assignment added. Error details shown in the Message Box.

    3. Test case: add n/Lab 1 mod/CS20 d/10-10-2020 2359
      Expected: No assignment added. Error details shown in the Message Box.

  2. Adding an assignment with priority
    1. Test case: add n/Lab 1 mod/CS2100 d/10-10-2020 2359 p/HIGH
      Expected: A high priority assignment with name “Lab 1”, module code “CS2100”, and deadline “10-10-2020 2359” is added to the assignment list. Details of the added assignment is shown in the Message Box.

    2. Test case: add n/Lab 1 mod/CS2100 d/10-10-2020 2359 p/HI
      Expected: No assignment added. Error details shown in the Message Box.

  3. Adding an assignment with reminders set
    1. Test case: add n/Lab 1 mod/CS2100 d/10-10-2020 2359 remind
      Expected: An assignment with name “Lab 1”, module code “CS2100”, and deadline “10-10-2020 2359” is added to the assignment list and is displayed in Your reminders. Details of the added assignment is shown in the Message Box.

    2. Test case: add n/Lab 1 mod/CS2100 d/10-10-2020 2359 remin
      Expected: No assignment added. Error details shown in the Message Box.

  4. Adding an assignment with priority and reminders set
    1. Test case: add n/Lab 1 mod/CS2100 d/10-10-2020 2359 p/HIGH remind
      Expected: A high priority assignment with name “Lab 1”, module code “CS2100”, and deadline “10-10-2020 2359” is added to the assignment list and is displayed in Your reminders. Details of the added assignment is shown in the Message Box.

    2. Test case: add n/Lab 1 mod/CS2100 d/10-10-2022 2359 p/MEDIUM remin
      Expected: No assignment added. Error details shown in the Message Box.

Deleting assignments

  1. Deleting one assignment while all assignments are being shown

    Prerequisites: List all assignments using the list command. Multiple assignments in the list.

    1. Test case: delete 1
      Expected: First assignment is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted assignment shown in the Message Box.

    2. Test case: delete 0
      Expected: No assignment is deleted. Error details shown in the Message Box.

    3. Other incorrect delete commands to try: delete, delete x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

  2. Deleting multiple assignments while all assignments are being shown

    Prerequisites: List all assignments using the list command. Multiple assignments in the list.

    1. Test case: delete 1 2 3
      Expected: First, second and third assignment is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted assignments shown in the Message Box.

    2. Test case: delete 2 1
      Expected: First and second assignment is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted assignments shown in the Message Box.

    3. Test case: delete a % ^
      Expected: No assignment is deleted. Error details shown in the Message Box.

  3. Deleting one assignment while some assignments are being shown

    Prerequisites: List some assignments using the list x command to obtain a filtered list with at least 1 assignment (where x is number of days from current date and time such that only some assignments are shown).

    1. Test case: delete 1
      Expected: First assignment is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted assignment shown in the Message Box.

    2. Test case: delete -1
      Expected: No assignment is deleted. Error details shown in the Message Box.

  4. Deleting multiple assignments while some assignments are being shown

    Prerequisites: List some assignments using the list x command to obtain a filtered list with at least 3 assignments (where x is number of days from current date and time such that only some assignments are shown).

    1. Test case: delete 1 2 3
      Expected: First, second and third assignment is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted assignments shown in the Message Box.

Listing assignments

  1. List all assignments.

    1. Test case: list
      Expected: All assignments are listed. Message with number of assignments listed is displayed in Message Box.

    2. Test case: list 0
      Expected: Error details shown in the Message Box.

  2. List assignments with deadlines that fall within current date and time and x number of days later

    1. Test case: list 7
      Expected: Assignments with deadlines that fall within current date and time and 7 days later is displayed. Message with number of assignments listed is displayed in Message Box.

    2. Test case: list 100
      Expected: Error details shown in the Message Box.

    3. Test case: list a
      Expected: Error details shown in the Message Box.

Finding assignments

  1. Finding assignments by name

    Prerequisites: List all assignments using the list command. Multiple assignments in the list.

    1. Test case: find n/Lab
      Expected: Assignments with the name “Lab” is displayed. Message with number of assignments listed is displayed in Message Box.

    2. Test case: find n/Lab Tutorial
      Expected: Assignments with the name “Lab” or “Tutorial” is displayed. Message with number of assignments listed is displayed in Message Box.

  2. Finding assignments by module code

    Prerequisites: List all assignments using the list command. Multiple assignments in the list.

    1. Test case: find mod/CS2100
      Expected: Assignments with the module code “CS2100” is displayed. Message with number of assignments listed is displayed in Message Box.

    2. Test case: find mod/CS2100 CS2103T
      Expected: Assignments with the module code “CS2100” or “CS2103T” is displayed. Message with number of assignments listed is displayed in Message Box.

    3. Test case: find mod/CS43
      Expected: Error details shown in the Message Box.

  3. Finding assignments by date or time

    Prerequisites: List all assignments using the list command. Multiple assignments in the list.

    1. Test case: find d/1200
      Expected: Assignments with due time “1200” is displayed. Message with number of assignments listed is displayed in Message Box.

    2. Test case: find d/13-10-2020
      Expected: Assignments with due date “13-10-2020” is displayed. Message with number of assignments listed is displayed in Message Box.

    3. Test case: find d/13-10-2020 1200
      Expected: Assignments with due date “13-10-2020” or due time “1200” is displayed. Message with number of assignments listed is displayed in Message Box.

  4. Finding assignments by priority

    Prerequisites: List all assignments using the list command. Multiple assignments in the list.

    1. Test case: find p/high
      Expected: Assignments of HIGH priority is displayed. Message with number of assignments listed is displayed in Message Box.

    2. Test case: find p/LOW
      Expected: Assignments of LOW priority is displayed. Message with number of assignments listed is displayed in Message Box.

    3. Test case: find p/high medium
      Expected: Assignments HIGH or MEDIUM priority is displayed. Message with number of assignments listed is displayed in Message Box.

Importing timetable

  1. Importing a timetable for the first time
    1. Test case: import url/
      Expected: No lessons imported. Error details shown in the status message.
    2. Test case: import url/
      Expected: The corresponding lessons imported. Success message shown in the status message. Imported lessons are shown in the task list.

Setting reminders for assignments

  1. Setting reminders for assignments while all assignment are being shown
    1. Prerequisites: List all assignments using the list command. Multiple assignments in the list. Your reminders is empty.

    2. Test case: remind 1
      Expected: First assignment in assignment list is now displayed in Your reminders as well. Details of the assignment shown in the Message box.

    3. Test case: remind 0
      Expected: No assignment is added into Your reminders. Error details shown int the Message box.

    4. Other incorrect unremind commands to try: remind, remnid 1, remind x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

  2. Setting reminders for one assignment while some assignments are being shown
    1. Prerequisites: List some assignments using the list x command (where x is number of days from current date and time such that only some assignments are shown). Multiple assignments in the list. Your reminders is empty.

    2. Test case: remind 1
      Expected: Similar to remind 1 test case when all assignments are shown.

    3. Test case: remind 0
      Expected: Similar to remind 0 test case when all assignments are shown.

    4. Other incorrect unremind commands to try: remind, remnid 1, remind x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

  3. Setting reminders for multiple assignments while all assignments are being shown
    1. Prerequisites: List all assignments using the list command. Multiple assignments in the list. Your reminders is not empty.

    2. Test case: remind 1 2
      Expected: First and second assignment in assignment list is now displayed in Your reminders as well. Details of the assignments are shown in the Message box.

    3. Test case: remind 1 x (where x is the assignment list index of an assignment that is found in Your reminders)
      Expected: No assignment is added into Your reminders. Error details shown in the Message box.

    4. Other incorrect remind commands to try: remind, remnid 0, remind x x, ... (where x is the assignment list index of an assignment that is found in Your reminders)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

  4. Setting reminders for multiple assignments while some assignments are being shown
    1. Prerequisites: List some assignments using the list x command (where x is number of days from current date such that only some assignments are shown).. Multiple assignments in the list. Your reminders is not empty.

    2. Test case: remind 1 2
      Expected: Similar to remind 1 2 test case when some assignments are shown.

    3. Test case: remind 1 x (where x is the assignment list index of an assignment that is found in Your reminders)
      Expected: Similar to remind 1 x test case when some assignments are shown.

    4. Other incorrect remind commands to try: remind, remnid 0, remind x x, ... (where x is the assignment list index of an assignment that is found in Your reminders)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

Removing reminded assignments

  1. Removing reminders for assignments found in Your reminders when Your reminders is non-empty
    1. Prerequisites: Your reminders must contain at least 1 assignment.

    2. Test case: unremind 1
      Expected: First assignment in Your reminders is removed from Your reminders. Details of the assignment shown in the Message box.

    3. Test case: unremind x (where x is larger than reminded list size but less then the assignment list size)
      Expected: No assignment is removed from Your reminders. Error details shown in the Message box.

    4. Other incorrect unremind commands to try: unremind, unremnid 1, ... Expected: Similar to previous.

  2. Removing reminders for assignments found in Your reminders when Your reminders is empty.
    1. Prerequisites: Your reminders must not contain any assignments.

    2. Test case: unremind 1
      Expected: No assignment is removed from Your reminders. Error details shown in the Message box.

    3. Other incorrect unremind commands to try: unremind, unremnid 1, ... Expected: Similar to previous.

Marking assignments as done

  1. Marking one assignment as done while all assignments are being shown
    1. Prerequisites: List all assignments using the list command. Multiple assignments in the list. No assignments marked as done.

    2. Test case: done 1
      Expected: First assignment in assignment list is marked as done. Details of the assignment shown in the Message Box.

    3. Test case: done 0
      Expected: No assignment marked as done. Error details shown int the Message box.

    4. Other incorrect done commands to try: done, don 1, done x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

  2. Marking one assignment as done while some assignments are being shown
    1. Prerequisites: List some assignments using the list x command (where x is number of days from current date and time such that only some assignments are shown). Multiple assignments in the list. No assignments marked as done.

    2. Test case: done 1
      Expected: Similar to done 1 test case when all assignments are shown.

    3. Test case: done 0
      Expected: Similar to done 0 test case when all assignments are shown.

    4. Other incorrect done commands to try: done, don 1, done x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

  3. Marking multiple assignments as done while all assignments are being shown
    1. Prerequisites: List all assignments using the list command. Multiple assignments in the list. No assignments marked as done.

    2. Test case: done 1 2
      Expected: First and second assignment in assignment list are marked as done. Details of the assignments are shown in the Message Box.

    3. Test case: done 1 1
      Expected: No assignment is marked as done. Error details shown in the Message box.

    4. Other incorrect done commands to try: done, done 0 1, done x x, ... (where x is the assignment list index of an assignment that has been marked as done)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

  4. Marking multiple assignments as done while some assignments are being shown
    1. Prerequisites: List some assignments using the list x command (where x is number of days from current date such that only some assignments are shown).. Multiple assignments in the list. No assignments marked as done.

    2. Test case: done 1 2
      Expected: Similar to done 1 2 test case when all assignments are shown.

    3. Test case: done 1 1
      Expected: Similar to done 1 1 test case when all assignments are shown.

    4. Other incorrect done commands to try: done, done 0 1, done x x, ... (where x is the assignment list index of an assignment that has been marked as done)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

Marking assignments as not done

  1. Marking assignments as not done while all assignment are being shown
    1. Prerequisites: List all assignments using the list command. Multiple assignments in the list. First 3 assignments in the assignment list marked as done.

    2. Test case: undone 1
      Expected: First assignment in assignment list is marked as not done. Details of the assignment shown in the Message Box.

    3. Test case: undone 0
      Expected: No assignment marked as not done. Error details shown in the Message box.

    4. Other incorrect done commands to try: undone, undon 1, undone x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

  2. Marking one assignment as not done while some assignments are being shown
    1. Prerequisites: List some assignments using the list x command (where x is number of days from current date and time such that only some assignments are shown). Multiple assignments in the list. First 3 assignments in the assignment list marked as done.

    2. Test case: undone 1
      Expected: Similar to done 1 test case when all assignments are shown.

    3. Test case: undone 0
      Expected: Similar to done 0 test case when all assignments are shown.

    4. Other incorrect done commands to try: undone, undon 1, undone x, ... (where x is larger than the list size)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

Automated updating of task list

  1. Assignments in task list

    1. Prerequisites: Upcoming tasks must not be empty.

    2. Test case: Add or edit an assignment with a deadline 1 minute after the current time (if your current time is 1229, set the deadline with the current date and time 1230).
      Expected: The first task in Upcoming task is now the assignment you just added/edited.

    3. Wait till the current time passes the deadline (if deadline has time 1230, wait till the clock on your computer is 1230).
      Expected: The first task is removed from Upcoming tasks.

    4. Test case: Add or edit an assignment with a deadline equal to the current time (if your current time is 1229, set the deadline with the current date and time 1229).
      Expected: The assignment you just added/edited is not found in Upcoming tasks.

  2. Lessons in task list

    1. Prerequisites: Upcoming tasks must be empty.

    2. Go to NUSMods and make a timetable with a lesson that has an end time before the current time. Import the timetable with the import command. Expected: The first task in Upcoming task is now the lesson you just imported.

    3. Wait till the current time passes the end time of the lesson (if end time is 1230, wait till the clock on your computer is 1230).
      Expected: The first task is removed from Upcoming tasks.

Saving data

  1. Dealing with missing/corrupted data files

    1. {explain how to simulate a missing/corrupted file, and the expected behavior}


Difficulty level: Hard

Challengers faced

Brown-field project

Familiarising ourselves with the code base was definitely one of the challenges faced when implementing ProductiveNUS. As ProductiveNUS is a brown-field project and builts upon the AddressBook3 (AB3) code base, implementing our desired features was extremely time-consuming during the first stages of this project.

Furthermore, as ProductiveNUS implements similar features to AB3, editing the AB3 code to match what we wanted was extremely painful as well as we had to manually edit go through the entire code base and change the name of classes, attritbutes, methods and test cases to suit ProductiveNUS.

As such, much effort in the beginning was pooled into changing the code base of AB3 to suit our needs before we could start implementing any features.

Multiple entities

Another challenged faced was that while AB3 only deals with one entity (Person), ProductiveNUS deals with 3 separate but related entities (Task, Assignment and Lessons). As such, it was challenging morphing the code base of AB3 to handle three separate entities instead of one, all while ensuring that all three entities are updated, saved and stored appropriately whenever the user would make changes to the data.


As beginner users of JavaFX, reading and understanding the code base of the implementation of the AB3 GUI was especially difficult. Learning JavaFX alongside implementing the features of ProductiveNUS and changing the code base to suit our needs, implementing our desired GUI definitely posed a challenge.

Furthermore, JavaFX has its own set of classes for multithreading implementations. As we were unfamiliar with JavaFX, we first tried to implement multithreading using the Java 11 API. It was only after debugging for a few hours did we realise that using the conventional Thread class in Java 11 would not be feasible as JavaFX does not support multithreading using with the normal Java 11 API.



We have successfully implemented multithreading with JavaFX applications in order to enhance the functionality of ProductiveNUS.